Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crossing the Finishline :)

It's been about a month now that I've been working out now and it's showing a lot of improvement. So far I have gained most of my strength back and it won't be long before I could enter a competition. I have been very excited with the results and dedication that I have put into my workouts; I have to say I am pretty proud of myself. It hasn't only changed my physical appearance but it's helping me with my stress level in school and I now have this insane amount of energy that I'm able to endure a long day of working out without need of rest. After 2 hours of exercising I can't help but feel better about myself. I'm not just working out for a few months, I am planning to made this a new way of life and I'm hoping that I would be able to participate in a body building competition by the end of summer. It is funny because I am usually in a crabby attitude until I get my workout in; You could ask my girlfriend and she'll tell you the same.
For years now I have been trying to get back into the rhythm of working out. I have always had a passion for it but I had to stop cold turkey when I was 16 to help take care of my sister while my mother went back to school. After my mom finished school it has been a struggle to get the ball rolling again. Now at the age of 21 I am somewhat getting the hang of it once more and I'm planning on taking it all the way.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

As a kid, teachers try to install in students that cheating is a form of stealing information and would not be tolerated in any way, shape or form; so you would think that in college the same rules would apply. Cheating must be the most senseless act a person could make as a student. I don't think it is worth the repercussion like getting kicked out of school for something that you should learn before you step foot into a professional field. If I was going under surgery the last thing I would want is a nurse or doctor that cheated on their exams and didn't know what they were doing to be conducting my surgery. It seems that a lot of people just want the easy way out of things and they don't realize how it could interfere in their lives.
I have been attending college for the past two years and I have realized it is not worth putting your future career on hold or losing the opportunity of landing that job at all because of a bad record. There is no reason to cheat, if one is capable to enter the class without cheating it's just as easy to pass it; but it takes time and work. Nobody is perfect and we all have our weak points but that isn't a good enough reason to cheat. I much rather fail a class then result to cheating. When one steals answers from another person one would not have a sense of accomplishment.
As a student that does his hours of studying and working hard for what I want it angers me to see some jerk kid creeping over my shoulder, trying to steal my answers. We are in college, we should know better then to stoop down to that childish level. If people went to keep acting like they are still in high school then maybe we should send them back.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Class Work

Just recently my English teacher handed us a short story assignment by the name of, " Killing"; which is ironic because of the simple fact that yesterday, on good Friday, a young lady was murdered at our school. It is an interesting story and I suggest all my fans to read it.The book starts at a grave yard. A young man, named Steve speaks to a friend about seeking vengeance for the death of his younger brother(Frank). A month pass and Steve finds himself walking around town caring a loaded gun without a permit. As the story leads on the author summarizes Frank's life.Richard was a Bartender that was recently going through a separation with his wife , Mary Ann. After hearing that Mary had found a new love he decided to pay the young man a visit. That man happened to be Frank. Richard began to beat on the young man. Mary and Richard were married for six years and had two boys together. After the separation Frank bought Mary a house.

Richard shot Frank twice in the chest and in the face with a 9mm automatic in front of his children. Matt left his wife one night knowing he was going to do shot a kill Richard for his heart was flooding with rage, his friend Willis accompanied along with his .38 cal. Once they offed him they pushed him into the hole they previously dug.