Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two Weeks In

So far, it has been two weeks since I began weight training to gain as much muscle mass as I once had. My main goal is to surpass that and bench press 400 pounds. Even though I have just begun a more active way of life I feel exhausted. There are days that I feel like giving up but I am so sick of quiting all the time. After high school was over, I became lazy and I started slacking off in terms of weight training. Many times I have attempted to complete my goal and feel and let myself down. It has been a big goal in my life since the age of 14 and it gets me upset that I have dedicated so many hours in two years. Especially since I have come so close to reaching that goal.
Like most kids, I started working out when I joined a sport, football. After dropping out of the game I continued to pursue my passion of body building. I continued to workout until the age of 16 and I weighed from 165-170 with a max bench of 335. Since then it has been on and off. This is going to be the finally time I plan on completing what I have never got to finish.
Since I started hitting the gym lately I have noticed how weak and out of shape I have become that it has discouraged me quite a bit. My strength has atleast dropped by 50% but I am not giving up anytime soon. I'm just glad I am getting on the ball, lets just hope I stay on it.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I am attending Henry Ford Community College to become a Firefighter/Paramedic. I chose this career when I was around eighteen or nineteen years old. I feel I had a calling to help people and that was mainly why I chose this particular profession. I will soon be taking EMT and Paramedic classes soon after and hope to one day transfer to a university to obtain my bachelors in fire science. Sadly my education does not stop there; I will have to continue in an academy to get my firefighter one and two certification. Also, once I am hired on (God Willing) I will periodically be taking exams to be sure that I am up to date with all the knowledge and procedures. I will also have to take exams if I want to advance into a higher postion in the department. After all the schooling is complete I will have to take the nation wide exam to be hired onto any department all over the country.

I have always felt the need to help people even if it means risking my own life. I love what firefighters do because it is an honorable job and gives me alot to look forward to in terms of continuous excitement. I also believe this line of work build character, responsibility, and a brotherhood with my fellow firefighters. Sometimes it is hard to find the job that ine would have passion for, but in this case I feel I was destined for the duty of this job and because of this I will give it my all and even do it for free. It would really give me incentive to live and to feel important, needed and also give me a little more self-esteem.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Break is Here:)

This is the happiest time of the year.Finally the sun is rising from the clouds and flowers are starting to bloom once again. After being cooped up inside the house for six months I am ready to go outside and stretch my legs.I have always been an active person that enjoyed to exercises and proud of it; but for the last few years I have become out of shape and very lazy because of work and recently school.It is a big surprise to me that I have let myself quit something that was a big part of my life. Since I finally have this free time to focus on bettering myself I have sworn to get the ball rolling again before it gets any harder to get back in the hang of things. The problem I have is when I don't see results that are as fast as I would like them to come, I tend to quit. I am so sick and tired of doing the same old thing; this time I'm making a change and no one can stop me!!! I'm not planning on taking anything illegal but I can't give up on myself once again. I most finish what I've started. My goal is to bench press 400 pounds at least once but I'm going to need a lot of motivation.
I have away been the type to workout daily and out do myself. When I was 16 I was weighing 165 with a bench press of 335. I am currently 21 weighing about 155 and benching 205 if I'm lucky. Tomorrow March 8, 2009 will be the day I start working out again and I am feeling pumped. Once I get back in the swing of it I'm sure I will feel better about myself. Now to I am going to make this serious I am hope to keep up with it and could turn it back into a life style.