Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jumping The Gun

I'm as happy as everyone else that President Bush is out of power and out of the White House but people are carrying this Obama thing a little far, don't you think? I'm not downing the man but people are actually getting tattoos of him and he hasn't done anything amazing in office yet. They throw a giant party for the guy like he saved the world or something. What's the big Deal? He's just another president that so far hasn't proven anything yet. People are going a little over board with this. His term just started, we still don't know what to expect. Our country has been going down hill thanks to Bush and I hope we get to see what Obama means by "Change". Lets see if this guy could live up to his own hype because he has some pretty big shoes to fill. I'm just saying i hope people don't have to regret the tattoo they got because he decided to post a draft or we lose even more money. Sure he promises us a better life but we've heard that plenty of times; that doesn't mean that the man will follow through.

Like I said I'm not trying to down him but don't get your hopes up America and making something bigger then what it really is. He hasn't even started his term to determine if he's a good President. Like he said "It's time for a Change" so let's give him a shot.

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