Sunday, January 18, 2009

My name is Nelson Estrada; I am currently a student at HFCC. I am a Firefighter/ Medic major. I am a normal kid by day and at night I am a super hero lol jk. Lately I have been stressed out with the classes I currently have. College takes a toll on people because it is a very stressful environment. This semester I am enrolled in Bio with lab, Pharmacology, Weight Training and English and I also am working about a work over load! The economy in Michigan is obviously doing very bad and I am currently looking for a more stable job. For years I have dreamed about getting a gun but unfortunately I am unable to because I live with my girlfriend and her family and they do not allow me to get one. In my spare time I enjoy going to the range, weight training, and playing video games. My favorite super hero is Spiderman although when I was a child my favorite was Superman. I own a lot of Spiderman memorabilia and clothing (thanks to my girlfriend). I have the best girlfriend in the world but I get her so stressed out that she is taking classes to control her anger. This is the first time I do this blogging thing and it seems pretty useless. It's doesn't make sense how people want to throw there emotions out in the open for people to read and make fun of them. Bad things happen in life, that doesn't mean I should post it on the internet to"vent". I like having privacy, I think people relay too much on a screen with a keyboard. I'm sick of winy little emo kids crying on the radio about how they hate america and their parents. If they want they can move to another country where they don't have an opinion. I'm sick of people downing where they live. No matter who our leader is we should support him. You are not suppose to turn your back on your country and make the best out of it. In the WW2 era people fought with honor and pride and look at what people have become. Sad and over dramatic, we are the super power of the world and I'm not ready to give that title up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nelson,
    It does sound like you have a lot going on. You don't have to vent or share any feelings you don't want to share. I would like you to take some time to consider how you are going to organize your school work--especially important with how busy you are this semester. Maybe you could read the questions again in the journal assignment and write about your organizational plans for your next entry?
